Introduction Last updated: 2025-1-13

suggestable splash screen image Hi and welcome to Suggestable, the first major program that allows you to view, acquire, and investigate autosuggestion based keywords for your desktop. For marketers and SEO professionals, Suggestable is the keyword discovery tool that simplifies the process of uncovering high-value, intent-driven autocomplete suggestions from leading search engines and retail sites. It provides unparalleled keyword insights through its advanced search modes - such as Predictive, Speculative, and Traverse - backed by 25+ years of SEO expertise. Unlike other keyword tools, Suggestable offers afforadablity, customizable options, data visualizations, ensuring precision, privacy, and efficiency for targeted marketing strategies at scale.

Whether you are protecting your brands and trademarks, researching keywords, or exploring suggestive intent, Suggestable has many features and modes to super charge your work.

Program Overview

Suggestable will search the auto suggestion (type ahead) results of the included services. This allows you to discover new keywords that people are actually using in search to target for your marketing needs. Read this blog post for an overview of where search engine suggestions come from.

The Search Process

Suggestable works by searching the autocomplete suggestion services. The keyword input box is where you will enter keywords to be investigated. After entering a keyword or phrase and pressing the search button the program will download those suggestions from the selected services. Any modes that are selected from the Options dropdown (Traverse, Predictive, Speculative, Custom) will also be executed. Once the program has acquired all selected autosuggestions, it will present the data on the various Mode Tabs.


Follow these steps to install Suggestable on Windows 10 or Windows 11 (64bit):

Steps to Install:

  • Download the Installer: Visit the emailed link provided to download the program's installer.
  • Locate the Downloaded File: Open File Explorer and navigate to the folder where the installer file was saved, usually Downloads.
  • Run the Installer: Double-click the downloaded file to launch the installation process.
  • Accept the UAC Prompt: If prompted by User Account Control (UAC), click Yes to allow the installer to make changes to your device.
  • Follow the Installation Wizard:
    1. Read and accept the End User License Agreement (EULA).
    2. Choose the installation directory (or leave it as the default).
    3. Select any additional components or shortcuts you want to install.
  • Complete the Installation: Click Install and wait for the installation process to finish. Once completed, click Finish.
  • Launch the Program: Find the program shortcut on your desktop or in the Start Menu and double-click it to launch.

System Requirements

  • Win 10 or Win 11 64 bit
  • Atleast 8gig of ram
  • Internet connection
  • Currently english only.

Additional Notes:

US and UK: Suggestable currently only supports US and UK english. (unicode international solution coming soon)
System Requirements: Ensure your device meets the minimum system requirements for the program.
Administrator Rights: Some installations may require administrator permissions.
Dockeer It has been tested in Azure and other Docker like environments and runs fine.

Main Screen

The main interface of suggestible consists of your main keyword input box (1), control options (4-7), and a row of eight tabs (8). Main input box (1) is where you will input keywords to be investigated. After entering a keyword or phrase and pressing the search button (3) the program will download those suggestions from the selected services (5) and present the results on the various tabs.

On the bottom row of the program is the status bar (9) where various status messages will be shown.

Example search on main screen.

Tree and Grid View

After a search performed, the left side of the display shows a Tree View (10) arranged by the suggestion service. On the right is a spreadsheet like Grid View displaying the actual suggestions.

The columns of Grid View (11) show the suggestion, the search service, the original Seed Keyword, the Suggestion Engine, the date of the request, Rank, and the Mode that the suggestion was acquired.

Launch SERP:

To launch a search engine search on this keyword at the end of the suggestion engine run, click Launch SERP checkbox.

Keyword Rank:

When a suggestion is requested, the response from the service comes in a specific order. That order equates to the listed Rank order for that Seed Keyword. Click on that suggestion service to highlight and select rows on the right that match that service or suggestion.

In the Stats Panel (13), will show the active services (Color logo) and the number of suggestions returned.

(14) shows the Data Viz Button dropdown with all the charts and graphs that Suggestable can generate. Simply highlight a few rows in the spreadsheets of keywords and select a graph. this button is grayed out until a search is preformed.

Main Interface Options

  • You may select up to 4 modes (M1) to use during the next search. Modes are detailed in the Modes section.

    Suggestable Search Modes.

  • Suggestion Services. Select which suggestion services you wish to investigate (S1).

    Suggestable Suggestion Service Options.

Text Box Usage

The text box is where you will enter your keyword or phrase to investigate. The search box and Chromium URL box also supports a few one-key command shortcuts. These short cuts maybe disabled in options. You use them by typing the shortcut key, followed by a keyword.

Example: entered (without quotes) "b NBA jerseys" in the search box, and a Bing search for "NBA jerseys" will be sent to your default system browser. To use a browser on your system other than the default, set the path in Options under the Connections branch. Shortcuts:

  • "a" Search Amazon
  • "b" Search Bing
  • "v" Search Brave
  • "s" Search ChatGPT Search
  • "d" Search DuckDuckGo
  • "e" Search eBay
  • "g" Search Google
  • "m" Search Mojeek
  • "s" Search SERP2Tab
  • "P" Search StartPage
  • "y" Search Yahoo
  • "x" Search Yandex
  • "t" Search YouTube
Default Search Engine (new 12-12-24)

Set your default search engine in Options. That engine will be used when a url doesn't start with http, https, or www, or does not match one of the key commands above. So you really just type a keyword into the url box and it will launch the default engine search. URL Launching: A URL (http or https) may be entered in to the search box to launch that URL in the default system browser.


To "ban a word" from any suggestion result, preface the word with a "-" on the front (just like search engines). For example, the following suggestion search will not return results that include calculator.

a brief screen shot of a negative keyword


Search Modes are the heart and power of Suggestable. Each mode will perform a different search process on the suggestion service. Use modes to effectively find the suggestions that will value you most. Results of each mode will be displayed on it's own tab.

Seed Mode

Seed mode is the default search. It performs a ">one time suggestion. Just like going to any search box on a search engine or ecommerce site. This is equivalent to typing that into the search box. These results will be presented on the Seed Tab. Example chart output from Seed mode:

a charted example of Seed mode in suggestable

Traverse Mode

This mode takes the results of the Seed Mode search, and performs a suggestion search on each result. If a suggestion service returns 10 suggestions, then traverse mode will perform a suggestion search on all 10 (10 downloads). These results will be presented on the Traverse Tab.

Example chart output from Traverse mode:

a charted example of traverse mode in suggestable

Predictive Mode

One of the coolest features of any suggestion service, is that simply typing a character will reveal more predictive suggestions. Predictive mode, will take your original keyword phrase entered in the search box, and append each letter of the English alphabet to it, and perform a suggestion search on it. (A-Z, and numerals 0-9). This equates to someone typing that in the search box at a site that supports suggestions. Predictive mode can generate a great deal of data, and surface phrases you won't find any where else. These results will be presented on the Predictive Tab.

Example sample results from a Predictive mode session (click for larger image):

predictive mode example in suggestable

Same data, charted:

a charted example of predictive mode in suggestable

Speculative Mode

This mode will investigate core adjectives, verbs, and prepositions that people commonly use in searching. This list comprises words and phrases that serve as fundamental building blocks in language. The following is list used. See also this blog post on Why speculative mode is so powerful for marketers and how speculative mode works.

Words with "!" are added to the front of the keyword search, whereas those without are added to the end. This allows proper English phrases such as "restaurants near me" instead of "near me restaurants". The list

"!are", "!what", "!will", "!who", "!can", "!where", "!how", "!how to", "!when", "!why", "!which", "like", "versus", "vs", "or", "and", "can", "for", "to", "with", "without", "is", "near me"

This list is integral to search, SEO, and keyword strategy, as it reflects the core of search intent and user behavior online. Here's a breakdown tailored to those contexts:

These words and phrases are the backbone of SEO, helping marketers uncover search intent, develop targeted keyword strategies, and create content that aligns with user needs at different stages of the search funnel. As a SEO for 25+ years, I find that Speculative Mode is the most power method for discovering top trending keywords. We built this mode in Suggestable to be search intent focused by finding combinations of words that trigger search engines to produce top results.

Related Posts:

Custom Mode

This mode is very similar to Predictive and Speculative modes, but it allows you to select your own custom keywords. For example: lets say you sell Tesla car parts in various cities. You want to look for other people that sell similar products. You may enter specific model numbers (Model S, Model X, or Model 3) into the custom keywords, and then perform a search on "Tesla" to have Suggestable search on those model names as well. This really supports people that have categories and various segmentations of brands. These results will be presented on the default Custom Tab.

When you place custom keywords in Options, you may specify which side of the keyword, the custom modifier should go. You do this by placing an exclamation point on the front to indicate this keyword should be added to front of the other keywords.

For example: if you have three custom modifiers "suvs","!trucks", and "pickup", and the search term is "dallas used", then Suggestable generated searches will be:

"dallas used suvs"
"trucks dallas used"
"dallas used pickup"

If you need a exclamation point in your modifier, then add another exclamation point: ex: "!!example keyword"

Enable Custom mode in options by checking the "Enable Custom Modifiers".

custom modifiers options in Suggestable V2
Best Practices with Custom Modifiers:
  • It is best to set a limit on the total number downloads as custom modifiers can balloon suggestions.
  • It is also good to use only one or two search engines during any run. Some search engines like Bing provide up to 20 suggestions which can also blow up suggestions lists into unmanageable numbers.

Mixed Mode Tab

All of the above mode results that are enabled will be placed on the Mix tab for easy study.

Search Tab

This is where you can search all the results for specific keywords. This is a great way to filter and then save a specific set of results.

Chromium Tab

After a search is finished, the results will be displayed on the tabs, and also as a report in the Chromium browser tab. This is also where data visualization will be presented. You may use it as a standard browser as well.

Search Options

There are three simple options related to the search process: Maximum Downloads, Download Delay, and Launch SERP.

Data Visualizations

One of the most powerful features of Suggestable is the ability to visualize the results as tree graphs of different variety. The old-school grand rule of Data Visualization is to keep things simple. Unfortunately, simple is not always possible when dealing with an ocean of data. Our best advice, is to reduce the number of lines you wish to chart or graph, to less than a few hundred.


  1. First perform a suggestion search that generates at least 10 results.
  2. Select the data you wish to view by highlighting it in the grid view.
  3. Select the style of chart, either from the Key command or from the Data Viz menu.
  4. The view will switch to the Chromium tab and generate the visual chart or graph.


You may save the current HTML (which generates the SVG charts) from the save button on the top right of the Chromium display. The format is probably best saved as the PDF to facilitate multiple pages and widths.

Suggestable Tree map with Mini Tree

Data Formats

Intent Tree

Intent Tree with MiniMap

Suggestable Tree map with Mini Tree

Tree Hierarchy

Suggestable Tree Map

Radial Spider Tree


These maps can work with a great deal of data. You may drag the map around by clicking and dragging. You may also zoom in/out with the wheel on your mouse.

Suggestable Radial Spider Tree

NGram KW Density

This charting option produces up to five views of the keyword and keyword phrase density of the suggestions. The views will break down the data from one keyword to five keyword phrases.

Word Tag Cloud

The Word Tag Cloud is the one chart that mandates a great deal of data.

Suggestable Word Tag Cloud

Bubble Cloud

Word Bubble Cloud

The Word Bubble Cloud displays the density of words relative to the outliers. Mouse over the smaller bubbles to see their values.

Suggestable Word Bubble Cloud

Animated Cloud

Similar to the Word Tag Cloud, but it rotates through different views of the same data.

Suggestable Animated Word Tag Cloud

Radial Disc

This produces another Radial chart. There are zoom, and mouse over options listed in the mini-menu on the page:

Suggestable Radial Disc Chart

Mix Hereditary Tree

This Chart will take all the suggestions on the Mix tab and produce a large Hereditary formatted tree. Use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out on this chart. You may also click on the nodes to shrink or expand them.

Suggestable Mix Hereditary Intent Tree

Suggestion Trackers and Projects

Trackers allow you to periodically check for updated suggestion to a set of keywords. This is great for tracking brand names, trademarks, and favorite keywords in your space. Trackers perform a Seed suggestion on each keyword. Trackers will not run through the various modes. When complete, a Tracker will generate a quick HTML report highlighting any differences. Optionally, if there are any changes, Suggestable may send an alert via email.

Creating and Editing Trackers

Creating a tracker starts with selecting name and ID. The ID is case insensitive and should be a alphabetical (a-z, 0-9) construct without any punctuation or non-alpha characters.

Suggestable Create a Tracker.
Once a tracker is created, the List Trackers dialog will display all trackers. Select a tracker and click on Edit to set options for that tracker. The localization for Google and Bing are the same as the settings used in Options (please see program Options for details).

Suggestable Edit and Set Tracker Options.

  • Task Frequency: Select the frequency that you wish to run the Tracker. A system scheduled task will be created that will call Suggestable and execute the Tracker.
  • Includes: Select the Search services you wish to include with the checkboxes.
  • Keywords: Enter one keyword phrase per line.
  • Tracker Email Alerts: To enable email alerts, first set your email server settings in Options (see Options for more info on setting up an Email server).
Then on the edit tracker dialog, select the enabled checkbox. Tracker may send an email under two trigger conditions:
  • Only if changed will send only if the tracker is different from the last time the tracker was run.
  • Every time will send an email every time the Tracker is run.


Once you select to run a task, it will produce a report similar to those below. If there is an alert (left), and no alert (right).

Suggestable Tracker Alert Report

Typical Suggestable Tracker Report

List Trackers and View Reports

Select the Trackers menu and then List Trackers option to list all the Trackers currently on the system. If you have any Cache Reports, they will show under that column. Click on that (view) link to get a detailed report of this Trackers reports.

Suggestable Tracker Alert Report

Tracker History

Select the Trackers menu and then List Trackers option to list all the Trackers currently on the system. To export the selected trackers history, click on (export) and you will be prompted to supply a file name for the CSV formatted file. You may then import that file into a spreadsheet for further viewing.


Projects are just like entering a keyword on the main screen and pressing search. Projects run through all selected modes and produce the same reports.

Creating a Project

Creating a project is very similar to creating a Tracker. Select Menu, then Projects, and finally Create Project. Select a name and ID for this Project and press save.

Listing Projects

After selecting Menu, Projects, List Projects, a dialog opens up with several options.

Suggestable Project Dialog

Project List Options

  • New: Create a new project.
  • Delete: Select a project to delete.
  • Clone: Make a new project out of the currently selected project.
  • Edit: Edit the current project.
  • Run: Execute the current project.

Editing Projects

The Project editing dialog is similar to the follow image. These are the same options as found on the main screen. Project Options:

  • Email report. The finished report may be emailed. Check the box and enter an email address to enable.

  • Representative: An optional project representative is an employee, agent, or other person assigned to maintain this project.
  • Save Directory: An optional directory where to save the finished report too.

Suggestable Project Dialog

To setup email, see Options.

Program Options

Available from Menu, Edit, and finally click on Options to display the Suggestable Options dialog. Select the option level on the left hand tree to access options related to that section. The first section is are the programs General Options

Suggestable General Options Dialog

General Options

  • Tool Tips Enabled: many places in the program feature mouse over tool tips that popup. You can turn them off here.
  • Enable One Char Search: Turn on or off the one character search (eg: b keyword to search Bing)
  • Enable HTTP Go to URL: Similar to the one char search option above. If you are searching on HTTP URLs, turn off this option.
  • Serp@Tab Launch Support: If Suggestable detects Serp2Tab on your system, you may use it to launch searches.
  • Play Tone at Complete Task: When a report is finished play a tone. This option is handy, if you set a delay between downloads that require suggestable to take a long time to complete.
  • Help Improve Suggestable: Share non personally identifiable feature usage stats with authors (no keywords or dl'd data will be shared...ever)
  • Prompt Run Tracker: When you select to run a Tracker, you will be prompted to confirm. You may turn on/off that feature with this option.
  • Prompt Run Project: When you select to run a Project, you will be prompted to confirm. You may turn on/off that feature with this option.
  • Prompt at Max DLS Reached: Same as above to turn off the "max DL's reached" dial.
  • Active tab after search: Select which tab should be selected after completing a suggestion search.
  • Starup Tab: Active tab to start the program.

Custom Modifiers

Suggestable Custom Modifiers Options

Add keywords here, and enable, to use Custom Modifiers. Custom modifiers allow you to add your own keywords to each search. For example: Lets say you sell Tesla car parts in various cities. You want to look for other people that sell similar products. You may enter specific model numbers (Model S, Model X, or Model 3) into the custom keywords, and then perform a search on Tesla to have Suggestable search on those model names as well. These results will be presented on the default Custom Tab.

Browser Options

  • User Agent: This is the User Agent Suggestable will use when requesting Suggestions from the service. It defaults to Chrome on the day this version was released.
  • Embedded Browser Homepage: This the homepage for the instance of Chromium on the Suggestable Tab.

In several places in the program, you can select to perform a search. That search will be sent to your system browser by default or one of the selected browsers you set here. You can also launch the search associated with the current keyword.

Suggestable Browser Launch Options

Proxy Options

Suggestable Proxy Options

Using a proxy is a good way to protect your IP address when searching. Find your proxy settings and enter them in this Options dialog and click Test.

You can use the form to fill in IP, Port, Type, and Credentials, or pass them to the Proxy IP field as a traditional proxy string.
Use "protocol://username:password@ip:port" format.

example: "socks4://bob:cheese@"

or "https://joeuser:funnypassword@"

If this format for the proxy string, not present it will use the values of the form fields in options

Supported protocols are the same as the dropdown in options (sock4,socks5,http,https)

Proxy will not be enabled until the proxy Ip is tested and validated.

At this time, the Proxy settings do work in Chromium, but not with authentication...yet.

Email Setup

Suggestable can send reports for completed Trackers or Projects directly to your email. To enable this feature, configure your SMTP server in the "Email" section under the program's options. These settings are typical and similar to those found in many applications. Once configured, ensure the settings are correct by using the test option before proceeding.

Suggestable Email Server Options


To localize the services use these settings to select language and country. These settings only affect Google and Bing.

Suggestable Localization Options

Saving Data

Suggestable can export data in three formats:

  • LIST (text format)
  • XML (for importing into other apps)
  • CVS (for importing into a spreadsheet0
To save data, first run a search, and then select the rows you wish to save in the tabs (or control-a to select all the rows). Then take one of the options on the main menu under File (List, XML, CVS). You will be prompted for a path and filename.

You may also select rows, right click on them, and then export those rows to the available formats.

Suggestable Localization Options

Command Line Options

Suggestable may be driven from a command prompt as well. There are several switches to preform common tasks:

  • -k keyword: perform a keyword search on keyword.
  • -f filename: pass a text file name with keywords in it to perform a search on each keyword.
  • -p Project ID: pass the Project ID to run this project.
  • -t Tracker ID: pass the Tracker ID to run this tracker.
  • -r fullpath to save directory to over ride Tracker and Project Report directory
    for example: to run the tracker "pubcon" and save the output html report to c:\temp - use:
    Suggestable.exe -t pubcon -r c:\temp\
  • -u: Check for update for the program.


1. What is Suggestable?

Answer: Suggestable is a software tool designed to explore autocomplete keyword suggestions from major search engines and retail sites for PPC and SEO marketing usage. It helps marketers and brand managers discover valuable keywords, protect trademarks, and analyze user intent.

2. What operating systems are compatible with Suggestable?

Answer: Suggestable is compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11.

3. How does Suggestable acquire keyword suggestions?

Answer: Suggestable searches the autocomplete suggestion services of selected platforms. By entering a keyword or phrase, the program fetches suggestions and organizes the results across various modes like Seed, Traverse, Predictive, and Speculative.

4. What are the different search modes available in Suggestable?

Answer: Suggestable offers several modes:
  • Seed Mode: Fetches basic suggestions for a keyword.
  • Traverse Mode: Explores deeper by searching suggestions from Seed Mode results.
  • Predictive Mode: Appends characters (A-Z, 0-9) to keywords to discover additional phrases.
  • Speculative Mode: Tests keywords with prepositions, verbs, and other modifiers. This surfaces user intent.
  • Custom Mode: Allows users to add specific keywords or phrases for customized searches.

5. What types of visualizations does Suggestable support?

Answer: Suggestable supports various visualizations, including:
  • Intent Trees
  • Tag Clouds
  • NGram Density
  • Bubble Clouds
  • Radial Spider Trees
  • Hereditary Trees: These help analyze and present keyword data effectively.

6. Can I export or save the results from Suggestable?

Answer: Yes, you can export results in LIST (text), XML, or CSV formats. You can save data from the menu or by right-clicking on selected rows. Then you can export the html from charts and graphs as html or pdf.

7. What is the purpose of Trackers in Suggestable?

Answer: Trackers allow users to periodically monitor updates for specific keywords. They can generate reports highlighting changes and send email alerts if configured.

8. How do I enable email alerts for Trackers or Projects?

Answer: To enable email alerts, configure your SMTP server settings under the Email Setup section in Options. Alerts can be sent either every time a Tracker runs or only when changes are detected.

9. Does Suggestable support proxy configurations?

Answer: Yes, Suggestable allows users to configure proxy settings for secure and anonymous searches. Proxy settings can be adjusted in the Options menu. Socks4, Sock5, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols are supported.

10. What are the system requirements for running Suggestable?

Answer: Ensure your system meets the following:
  • Windows 10 or 11 operating system
  • Administrative privileges for installation
  • Internet connectivity for fetching suggestions and updates

© PHD Software Systems by Pubcon